Retro kit announsed new resin kit: Douglas A4D-1 Skyhawk in 1:144 scale "Full kit, with two-part canopy, detailled cockpit and separate NAMC ejection seat, separate flaps and slats, separate tailplanes with integrated chafe plates, decals for a VA-12 aircraft aboard USS Ranger."
Price for this kit: 19.99 Euro
At the bottom, You can see In-box of, in my opinion, the best F-14 Tomcat made by Revell-Germany.
Kit include every line decreased. Full cocpit with pilots seats. Also it includes decals for cocpit instruments. Cool. As I say, this is the best kit by Revell and i think it's even better than Dragon kits.
I'll try to make F-14A Tomcat but not in Jolly Roger Sqd. but in Ghostrigher Sqd.